Friday, January 16, 2009

Shop To Earn Launches Official YouTube Channels

Largest Online Member-Driven Shopping Portal Utilizes The Power of Viral Video

Las Vegas, NV – January 17, 2009 – Documenting the success of its e-commerce business model, Shop To Earn ( announces the launch of the official Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth YouTube channels.

In recent months Shop To Earn has experienced explosive growth that the company attributes to its unique, member-driven format. Offering cash back discounts on all online shopping purchases, Shop To Earn member web portals have links to over 600 major retailer affiliates. The official Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth YouTube channels will give the general public an opportunity to hear about Shop To Earn’s unique e-commerce business model directly from those involved.

“There is nothing more powerful than watching Shop To Earn members describe their experiences in their own words,” said Patrick Welsh, founder of Shop To Earn. “Listening to these testimonials can be the best way to hear what the Shop To Earn business is all about.”

Both the Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth YouTube channels include videos from the top company money earners and their successes with the Shop To Earn e-commerce business. See below for some excerpts from our top 20 producers.

Rich Soviero, Top Producer
“Shop to Earn has just done wonders for us and our friends so far. The most important thing it's done for my family is that it allowed my wife Julie to retire from her job of 12 years to devote more time to our two boys, which is just wonderful for us.”

Visit or to hear directly from real Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth members.

About Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth
Empowering its members to choose a lifestyle of better health and increased wealth, the goal of Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth is to increase environmental awareness and social responsibility. Through its alliances with the biggest name retailers in traditional and environmentally friendly products, Shop To Earth members have access to natural, organic, and earth-friendly brands. While purchasing these products, Shop To Earth members receive a percentage of cash back on all their purchases through the ShopToEarn/ Shop To Earth portals.



Unknown said...

Hi Guys,

Please take a look at We built a system specifically for people in MLMs, Shop to Earn included. Maybe we can talk about co-marketing opportunities.

CMO, WrapMail

Rolv E. Heggenhougen said...

I ditto Dave above. Imagine making every email help sell and recruit more. All have websites and send emails anyway! is the solution.