Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ShopToEarn.net 24/hr Tour Call

Shop To Earn is very excited to introduce the 24/hour sales tool that will allow members to conveniently increase the size of their business. It is active and ready to help members share Shop To Earn's business model with prospects 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The 24/hour tour call is available at: www.24HourTour.net/(MemberUserName).

The 24/hour tour call is in addition to the 'live' tour calls, which Shop To Earn will continue to host daily.

The 24/hour interactive audio recording includes Shop To Earn's VP of Sales, Joe Locke, guiding prospects through a company tour of shoptoearn.net and explaining every aspect of ShopToEarn's very simple and effective business model.


ABC Communications said...

Wow what a great job on the tour video, this really gives us a chance to show people how this works and promote the fact that this is one of the only business models that pays for itself if you simply use it. Philip Del Monte
Chicago Il.

Ellyn said...

In a future blog, can you please provide information on how often you post shopping. I've noticed that nobody in my downline has had any of their purchases posted since the end of December. It would be helpful to understand if you are doing this only on certain days of the month.

thelotusgirl said...

The 24 hour tour is a fantastic tool for introducing the Shop To Earn concept. It is easy to use and very effective. I hope everyone is taking advantage of it! It gives more flexibility to the people you would like to expose to the opportunity. They can watch it when they have 20 minutes to really focus!