Where else can you find thousands of professionals who are excited, positive about their financial status and feel in control of their futures?
Tampa, Florida’s ShopToEarn Shortcut to Success Training.
What company is expanding in this economy, jumping from 1200 to 77,000 representatives in the last 10 months and paying out $28 million in commissions?
ShopToEarn/ShopToEarth (some spell it Shop to Earn or Shop to Earth).
“And guess what? We are just getting started,” said ShopToEarn Founder Pat Welsh.
Want to know what you’re missing by not being in ShopToEarth Training in Tampa, Florida?
- Motivated and positive professional training
- Seven Steps to Success
- Insider business building techniques
- One time only seminar savings
- Four Stages of Learning
- The Three B’s to Success
- How to Recognize and Communicate with Different Personality Types
- Best Ways to Build A Sales Team and Gain Referrals
- Simple and powerful ways to Show and Tell the Business
- Dancing and singing to the music (ok, we are had fun while working, imagine that!)
“ShopToEarn is an incredible opportunity. It’s a fresh, contemporary and dynamic business model that’s beyond my expectations of any other network marketing company I’ve worked with in the past. The ShopToEarth team is genuine, with a conviction to helping people... Save Ourselves, Save Our Planet, Shop to Earth,” said Bakerink.
Welsh led the crowd with his insights on how he started the business with an attitude of gratitude and Joe Locke, VP of Sales for ShopToEarn, gave the attendees valuable systems and strategies of how to gain positive traction in building a sales team by duplicating efforts!
Truth be told, Gary King capped off the day with an enlightening session centered on the fact that there is no such thing as an inconsequential lie and everything in life is synchronistic.
Recently joining the ShopToEarth Advisory Board, King is a speaker, author, life-coach and mentor, and has been featured in Oprah Magazine. For the last four years, Gary has traveled internationally talking about his belief in The Power of Truth ™.
He talked to ShopToEarth’s Tampa group about life changing experiences and the power of networking and the value of Integrity Level Marketing. Stay tuned for a full story about Gary King’s powerful messages shaped exclusively for ShopToEarth members about how to be part of the solution using the conscious awareness of integrity and honesty.
Want to know more? Sign up for the next Shortcut To Success. Get up close and personal with ShopToEarth.
1 comment:
Another extraordinary event! Blessed to be among the Asscociates given the LifeForce to Live.
Thank you Shop to Earth
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