Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shop To Earth Launches Eco-Friendly Non Profit Foundation

What does global warming, non profit foundations, and online shopping have in common? ShoptoEarth.net, the Internet’s first eco-friendly shopping portal now has a foundation dedicated to saving our planet.

This week Shop To Earn / Shop To Earth announced The Shop To Earth Foundation and offered its first donation to God’s Little Acres, a South Florida non-profit organization for disabled children and their families. Focusing on eco-friendly products with a goal to shift consumer-buying habits, Shop To Earn is a hybrid multi-level marketing (MLM) business that integrates e-commerce, retail, and marketing with a cause.

Formed with the express purpose of providing support to a number of environmentally friendly, charitable foundations, the Shop To Earth Foundation mission includes: preservation of ecosystems, environmental health, clean water, renewable energy technologies, global warming research, recycling methods, and the reduction of chemicals in food stock. Its Board of Directors includes: Roy Oppenheim, Pat Welsh, Dan Swiniarski, Mark Soderquist.

Utilizing their large member base that is expected to reach well over 100,000 by 2009, Shop To Earn plans to grow the Shop To Earth Foundation with the following eco-friendly goals in mind.
• Educate the public on environmental issues
• Build an endowment as well as other funds that will benefit environmental organizations and individuals who are conducting cutting edge environmental research
• Improve the quality of drinking water
• Encouraging recycling
• Reduce reliance on carbon based fuels
• Improve the food stock through the use of organic and natural processes
• Promote philanthropy in all areas of the environment

“One of the main goals of the Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth business is to promote awareness of environmental issues, and educate both members and non-members on how their product choices effect the environment,” said Shop To Earn Founder, Pat Welsh. “We are taking that mission one step further with The Shop To Earth Foundation by providing our support to further important environmental initiatives.”

About Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth
Empowering its members to choose a lifestyle of better health and increased wealth, the goal of Shop To Earn and Shop To Earth is to increase environmental awareness and social responsibility. Through its alliances with the biggest name retailers in traditional and environmentally friendly products, Shop To Earth members have access to natural, organic, and earth-friendly brands. While purchasing these products, Shop To Earth members receive a percentage of cash back on all their purchases through the Shop To Earn/Shop To Earth portals.


wendymichele said...

Yeah STE!!! This is the most fantastic opportunity - the chance of a lifetime to have a say in my financial future! Everyday - everytime I need to purchase anything! Thank you!!!

blogger said...

Way to go Pat!! I am happy we joined the dissabled and sick people for Thanksgiving with your foundation donation of $ 5000.00 to Little God's Acres.
Wishing more to come, more donations and promising to keep up for more associates,

Maria B. Broker- Miam Florida

Jeremy Sutherland said...

We tend to resist change in this case for the better. Shop to Earth has created a business model that will help us to take care of our environment and preserve our Planet.

Lubin Sutherland California